Asexuality, Aromanticism & Cyberbullying

Trigger Warning: intrusive questions about sexs and genitalia, people trying to convince me to have sex with them. There is a belief that the only hate asexuals or aromantics receive is online. That’s not true, but it also belittles the impact of cyberbullying. Usually, when I talk about those subjects, I speak about how it… Continue reading Asexuality, Aromanticism & Cyberbullying

Shades of Invisibility

This week is the asexual awareness week, and I’ve wanted to use this opportunity to vent some of my anger and to explain things. Asexuality doesn’t have to be 0% attraction, there is much more than that. Some people do have sex, some are uninterested and some are sex repulsed. There’re varying levels and different kinds, and it isn’t black and white. There’re much more shades, even when they’re invisible.