Questions I Was Asked About Aromanticism

This week was Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week. In honor of this week, I’ve asked people to send me questions about aromanticism. Some of the questions are about aromanticism in general, and some are specifically about me.   How do you define romantic attraction and know you don’t experience it? I have a definition to what… Continue reading Questions I Was Asked About Aromanticism

How About Love?

Therefore, and without the glass ceiling that accompanies the assumption that a romantic relationship is necessarily stronger and more meaningful than the other ones, why is it assumed that aromantic people, no matter if they want a romantic relationship or one that parallels that, is a cold robot who can’t feel love?

Shades of Invisibility

This week is the asexual awareness week, and I’ve wanted to use this opportunity to vent some of my anger and to explain things. Asexuality doesn’t have to be 0% attraction, there is much more than that. Some people do have sex, some are uninterested and some are sex repulsed. There’re varying levels and different kinds, and it isn’t black and white. There’re much more shades, even when they’re invisible.